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Business Continuity: The Technology That Keeps You Moving

Business continuity is the planned actions that an organization takes to continue operating even during a disaster or disruptive event. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from a continuity plan to protect their customers, employees, and bottom line.

Why Is Business Continuity Important?

A business continuity plan allows your business to continue vital functions throughout dire situations. Without having failsafes, redundancies, and other interventions, a seemingly small issue can turn into a major meltdown in minutes. From Ireland to Atlanta, you’ll find examples of how failure to be proactive costs companies and communities more than just productivity.

Technology plays a vital role in business continuity. By using the right technologies, businesses can improve their resilience to disruptions and ensure that they can continue operating when things go wrong; you’ll also find stories of how a disaster was averted by businesses knowing their risks and having a plan to circumvent catastrophe.

Business Continuity Technologies

Not all businesses will have the same business continuity plan. However, there are many different technologies that can benefit businesses in some way or the other. These include disaster recovery and backup, cloud computing, cyber security, and BCM software.

  • Disaster recovery (DR) and backup solutions.DR solutions allow businesses to recover their data and systems if something happens to their drives. Backup solutions are used to create copies of data that can be restored if the original data is lost or corrupted.
  • Cloud computing.Cloud computing stores data and applications off-site, which helps to protect this valuable asset from disasters that affect a business’s physical location. Cloud computing means that your data is securely on the internet, making it accessible from anywhere, even if your location has been touched by fire, weather, or crime.
  • Cybersecurity.Cybersecurity solutions work around the clock to protect businesses from cyberattacks that can disrupt operations. Simple digital security steps, such as implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, multi-factor authentication, and data encryption, can go a long way toward keeping your digital assets safe and secure.
  • Business continuity management (BCM) software.BCM software is part of a healthy business continuity plan. This technology can help you track and test your recovery plans to ensure that you’re always up to date, even as your business experiences growth and change.

By using the right technologies, you can give your business the same protections that multi-billion-dollar corporations enjoy. Remember, a well-designed business continuity plan has the potential to save you more than it could ever cost.

Want to learn more? Contact ITC today to ask about a custom business continuity plan designed for your needs and budget.