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Migrate to the Cloud to Increase Business Continuity

The cloud offers numerous benefits to companies, including the ability to work from anywhere. As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to impact the way businesses operate, the need for businesses to adapt has grown. One way companies can overcome the work from home orders is to host operations in the cloud. Your employees will be able to access their business network from home, which allows them to be productive while remaining safe.

In order to increase security while your employees are working from home, your business needs to ensure proper authentication procedures are observed. Multi-factor authentication works exceptionally well to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Additionally, since your network is hosted in a data center, you will be highly protected. The data center will have much more robust security measures in place than would likely be found on a single machine.

The cloud also offers easy back-ups and restoration of data. If something goes wrong at your place of business, your company will be able to pull its data down from the cloud and resume business operations in a timely manner.

Aside from allowing employees to work remotely, the cloud is a cost-effective solution. Since your company is no longer using on-premise servers, maintenance costs, as well as your power bill, will go down. At ITC Communications, we offer predictable monthly costs, which will make it much easier for you to budget. You will have the ability to allocate resources to other business needs.

In addition to our cloud solutions, we are offering training videos through the Zultys mobile app. If you would like to view these videos, please contact us so we can send the link. If your business needs to migrate to the cloud to continue business operations, please know that it is not too late. We can help your company get set up with our cloud solutions, so your employees can get back to work. Contact us today!