ITC Leads in Sustainable IT 

For more than a decade, the IT professionals at ITC have been quietly leading the green revolution by responsibly disposing of electronic parts and e-cycling others. But why are steps like this important? It means that ITC prioritizes more than just today. By focusing on green IT and sustainability, ITC is helping to cut down on waste and reduce its and its customers’ carbon footprint. 

Energy Efficient Data Centers 

While there are many different ways that ITC helps cut down on electronic waste, energy-efficient data centers are key in these efforts. Because data centers are the backbone of the digital world, they have the potential to be a massive drain on energy resources. Just a few ways that ITC may now and will in the future continue to prioritize energy-efficient data centers include: 

  • Data center infrastructure management. This simply means that ITC uses software tools to help data center managers monitor and optimize energy use. This can help identify areas of wasted energy to improve the organization’s overall e-efficiency. 
  • Hardware efficiency. ITC works tirelessly to ensure its hardware, including servers and other physical pieces of equipment, are continually improved to utilize less energy. 

Sustainable Software Development 

Green efforts also apply outside of the physical IT realm. Sustainable software development practices help ITC remain mindful of its environmental impact. A few examples of sustainable software development practices include: 

  • Cloud optimization. Cloud-based applications are often more energy-efficient than on-site deployment. Cloud providers can leverage scale and invest in more efficient hardware, meaning there are fewer hardware components needed to control more digital “real estate.” 
  • Data reduction. It makes sense that large data sets would need mass amounts of energy to be stored and processed. However, IT professionals can optimize code to utilize less data and store that data efficiently. 
  • Green coding practices. Green coding practices can reduce the amount of energy used to write a software program. Promoting code reuse and cutting down on unnecessary processing time while applying energy-efficient algorithms cut down on man hours and energy consumption are just a few examples. 

If you are a business owner concerned about the mark you make on tomorrow, contact ITC today. Our digital realm experts can help you come up with an IT plan that’s productive, efficient, and secure.