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ITC Works To Combat AI Cyber Attack

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be considered a blessing and a curse to those who work in or rely on IT systems. For businesses, AI can both pose a threat and serve as a shield against phishing attacks, and ITC knows how to leverage the latter to protect against the former.

Phishing is a common cyber-attack that uses emails or websites that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a manager or vendor. The goal is to try and trick unsuspecting people into giving up personal or business information. Artificial intelligence is making phishing attacks more sophisticated by the day, but it’s also being used to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) protect themselves.

How AI-Based Phishing Attacks Work

In the past, phishing attacks were easy to spot because they had grammatical errors or other glaring mistakes. But now, AI can instantly create phishing emails that are virtually indistinguishable from real ones. This can make it exponentially difficult for people to determine if an email is from a credible source or from an AI-savvy cybercriminal.

Where Fishing Vulnerabilities Happen

Phishing emails are only harmful when opened and responded to by an end-user. Unfortunately, human error and misjudgment account for more than eight out of 10 fishing attacks. Although most companies take precautions to train their employees in best cybersecurity practices, these teachings don’t always stick, and adherence to security protocols may wane within months.

AI In Your Corner

While artificial intelligence is being used by cybercriminals, it’s also a valuable tool on the other end of phishing emails. ITC works with SMBs to employ AI-detection methods that help businesses filter out spoofing or phishing emails before they ever make it to an employee’s inbox. This reduces the potential for human error and greatly enhances a business’s cybersecurity.

Artificial intelligence can extend far beyond acting as a virtual firewall for a company’s inbox. ITC’s solutions also diligently track company data to make sure it’s not being used or stored somewhere that’s less than secure. For example, if a mid-level manager stores company files on their personal drive, AI can find it and let network administrators know so they can take steps to protect vulnerable data.

ITC’s AI software solution is a powerful ally to business owners looking to protect their digital assets. ITC’s expert teams continually learn more about how AI can attack and protect businesses. Our AI email filtering software is just one of the many ways that ITC can help your company stay safe and secure in the digital age.

Want to keep your inbox safe and sound? Ask ITC today about AI email filtering and see how our human expertise makes our AI software smarter than the digital deviants who want your information.