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Protect Your Company With a Business Continuity Plan

Few things can be as costly and unpredictable as business disruptions. Whether it’s due to natural disasters, human error, technical issues, or cyber-attacks, your business can be brought to a standstill when you least expect it; with many companies being unable to recover from the sudden downtime. That is why you need a business continuity plan to protect your company.

Business continuity is simple but effective. It is a plan of action that outlines the steps your company will take to recover from unexpected disasters when they occur. An effective business continuity should include the following:

  • A comprehensive review of risks and threats that would interrupt or affect your business
  • A summary of the most strategically important processes, functions, and departments in your company
  • Creating a listing of both onsite and offsite emergency contact information
  • A communication strategy for both internal and external correspondents
  • Clear instructions and Information on where to find, and how to initiate restoring offsite recovery data

No business is too small or large to have a business continuity plan, as every business is susceptible to the unexpected. Don’t leave your business unprotected from business disruptions caused by the unpredictable, contact ITC today and get started on developing your plan today.