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Unified Communications For The Way We Do Business Today

There was once a time when the business needed little more than a room full of operators to route calls to the appropriate department. But this was clunky and often not as efficient as need be. Fortunately, technology has come leaps and bounds since then. Today’s business owners, workers, and clients need access to each other from anywhere and at any time.

Unified communications can help achieve this.

What Is Unified Communications?

Simply put, a unified communications solution is a suite of communication products that allow business owners to stay in contact with their employees and customers. VoIP is an excellent example of a communications system that allows for everything from calls and messages to faxes, emails, and call routing.

Features Of Unified Communications

Unified communications typically includes VoIP, which allows users to make and receive phone calls over the internet. It may also include SMS messaging, which does not require an online connection and is highly valuable in remote areas when a message makes more sense than a phone call.

Optimize call routing is another useful feature in a unified communication system. In this model, callers can quickly and easily find who they need to be routed to without shuffling back and forth from person to person and then back again. Call routing can help save valuable time when time is of the essence.

Artificial Intelligence From More Intelligent Decisions

While nothing can replace the human element, many unified communications systems also integrate AI applications that analyze interactions and conversations to help offer solutions that create a better consumer experience. An AI might, for example, help identify questions that callers might be asked to help them more quickly find who they need it.

Communication Is Essential In A Remote World

Before the pandemic, very few employees worked from home part-time and even fewer each day. That’s changed. Today, more than a quarter of the US workforce works from home at least sometimes. While remote work has made it easier for knowledge-based professionals to balance work and home life (and for employers to attract top talent), the greatest challenge has always been communication. A unified communications platform utilizing VoIP technology eliminates this hurdle and offers a seamless work environment, no matter how far away employees may be from the “office.”

Ultimately, communication is what makes businesses thrive. Having a unified communications system allows small and medium-sized businesses to play on the same field as their larger competitors. It is a beautiful blending of technology that turns long-distance communication into a real-time conversation while streamlining the calling, texting, or video conferencing process. It’s also affordable and accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Want more information about unified communications? Contact ITC Technologies today, and let one of our communications experts help you poise your business for the future with technology that will grow with you from day one.