ITC Unveils Groundbreaking Cybersecurity Solution 

Many of us find cybersecurity a daunting part of running a business each day. Thankfully, we have ITC to help keep our customer, vendor, and employee data safe. Our internal cyber safety measures also protect proprietary trade secrets and ensure SMBs maintain a reputation of digital integrity. 

The ITC Difference 

ITC recently unveiled a new tool for small and medium-sized businesses to help them understand and improve data security at all points. It works by scanning devices, servers, and cloud storage solutions to determine exactly where data is stored. It then infiltrates these sensitivities so that you have a better understanding of who has access to what information. The software also reads and analyzes the potential risks of unsecured data – businesses required to maintain specific cybersecurity measures may face fines due to a data breach. 

The ITC software program also offers recommendations on how to fix security weaknesses and a roadmap for business owners to prioritize which weaknesses to address first. The software also works with many popular business programs, including Microsoft 365, SharePoint, and One Drive. 

Reducing Human Error 

Human error is one of the biggest risks to all businesses. The oversight of employees that don’t don’t know how to follow data security protocols puts companies at risk. These gaps are quickly identified so that unsecured data doesn’t have an opportunity to lead to reputational or financial damage. 

What’s Different? 

Many businesses offer cybersecurity services. What makes ITC’s tools different is that it does not transfer data anywhere. Many other AI-powered tools do. The transfer process leaves data open for infiltration, a concern ITC has eliminated. 

Better For Business 

Ultimately, ITC’s new solution allows business owners and managers to have a complete view of their company’s data usage, storage, and access points. This offers a clear picture, which makes data security much easier in the short and long term. 

As a business owner, you can’t afford for your most sensitive information to be ripe for the picking. There are unscrupulous forces at every turn, just waiting for you to turn your back. ITC’s software solution programs, combined with the experience of its IT experts, are your first and strongest line of defense against data mismanagement. 

Contact ITC today for more information and to get your company on the path to better digital security.